How many days until Summer?
Here at the Beachwood Yacht Club the fun isn’t just for the kids, we offer sailing classes for adults also.
If you’re between the ages of 18-80, come out and play! We set up a fun course that is open to both members and non-members.
In this course, you will learn the basics of sailing:
We have a four-week program given in a sunfish or an FJ.
There are a limited number of sunfish rentals, so sign up fast, these spots fill up quickly!
The goal of this course is to enable student graduates to be able to sail a triangular race course.
Please go to the "Calendar of Events" for class dates.
Once our students have finished their courses, we invite you to join us in our annual Yuengling Cup Regatta.
You don’t want to lose what you just learned, and this regatta is the best way to do that.
For more information please contact Joe Mauer: