How many days until Summer?
A Year at BYC-Music by Rod Stewart
Standing on the wide deck, you can see the expansive beauty of the Toms River. As the day’s activities begin, the sound of activity emanating from within the clubhouse, the bustle of sailors preparing for a race, and lively conversations surround you.
A typical day at the Beachwood Yacht Club is beginning and you are a part of it. This is what being a member of one of the oldest and most active yacht clubs in the Barnegat Bay area means to the members who actively participate in the year round program.
The club is not for sailors and boaters only. Social functions prevail year round with activities to interest everyone. There are great parties such as, Dinner-Dances, Brunches, Tavern Nights, Cocktail Parties, Beach Parties, Craft Fairs, Holiday parties and more. Also once you’re a member you can come up with your own party.
During the summer, the club is open seven days a week for the enjoyment of the members and their guests. The Beachwood Yacht Club offers a youth sailing program second to none. Experienced sailing instructors conduct the program four days a week.
The youngsters learn sailing techniques, safety and sportsmanship. As members of the Junior Yacht Club, they can have an equally busy schedule, including trips, parties, dances, dinners and games. No child will ever say “I don’t know what to do” when active in the Beachwood Junior Yacht Club.
Are you a sailor, or would you like to be? Sailing Instruction for adults is offered and the opportunity to compete in the inter-club races can fulfill your desire for adventure and sportsmanship.
It is people – people who enjoy working together to create an atmosphere of warmth and friendship in which to spend their leisure hours.
"I became involved with Beachwood Yacht Club more than 10 years ago. What started out as a summer program, quickly turned into a lifestyle. Growing up at BYC taught me more than how to sail, but shaped me into the person I am today. Sailing has opened countless doors for me - the meek opti sailor from BYC is now competing for the University of Miami Sailing Team (all over the country). I would not be where I am today, had it not been for the Beachwood Yacht Club". John Macmoyle Jr.