How many days until Summer?
Joe Mauer
Kate Wiencke
Gene Palombo
Christibeth Palombo
Ted Wingender
Denise Vonsteenburg
Keith Christopher
Sue Bednarz
For Rental Information, Please Contact Bob Patrick or call/text: 732-691-1247
Holly & Bill Silvis
Beachwood Yacht Club
PO Box 167
Beachwood NJ 08722
145 Compass Avenue Beachwood New Jersey 08722 United States
From North – Atlantic Ocean to the Manasquan Inlet. Go under railroad bridge (make sure its open & watch the tides…its nasty!) and find the Point Pleasant Canal. Go through the canal and you’ll end up in upper Barnegat bay. Keep heading south & go under the Seaside Bridge. After the bridge, bear right and go up Toms River. Continue up The Toms River till just before the channel turns to the right toward the mouth of the river (narrows significantly). BYC is at the mouth of the River, to the left of the Channel.
From South - Atlantic Ocean to the Barnegat Inlet. Make a right after coming through the inlet (if you draw more than 2-3 feet, stick to the channel) and head up Barnegat Bay. Once you see the Seaside Bridge you're coming close to the entrance to the Toms River. There is a point (which used to have a lot of telephone poles on it). Once you round that point, bear left & that is the beginning of the Toms River. Follow remainder of directions from above.